Heaven and earth will pass away but MY WORD will not pass away. When God looks upon the rainbow He remembers His covenant with mankind, never again would He destroy the world by a flood.
This is a covenant that can not be broken. God sees the rainbow solid and complete, encircling the whole world.
God’s promises are complete and full: nothing missing, nothing broken. When we look upon a rainbow, we see only a fragment
because we see it filtered through this atmosphere, which is controlled by satan.
The storm that is now raging is a storm of fear fueled by negative words. Words of this world, not the words of Heaven. We should be speaking to our storm, telling it to be still, not fueling it by our negative words.But the children of God are speaking what the world is speaking, words of doubt, fear, failure, poverty, lack, recession, depression, etc.
Whose report will we believe?
We must speak the promises not the problems.
Now the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is roaring and shaking loose the promises of God. He has been given all power and authority. His mane is inlaid with gold because it is now time for the wealth of the wicked to be transferred to the righteous.
Seven hundred fifty years before the birth of Jesus, God promised the world a savior, now every Christmas He reminds us that He always keeps His promise. |
I KINGS 8:56 …there hath not failed one word of all His good promise…
ROMANS 3:4 …let God be true and every man a liar:
I CORINTHIANS 1:20 …hath not God made foolish the wisdom of
this world.
PHILLIPPIANS 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.